Colts Tipped Cigars 8 Pack - Assorted Strengths

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**Available For Sale In Alberta Only**

  • Cigarillo Size.
  • Plastic Tip.
  • Mild Strength.
  • Colts Cavendish (Black) - Maduro Wrap, Slight Spice, Strongest Of The Bunch.
  • Colts Original (White) - The Original Colts Cigar Smoking Experience.
  • Colts Virginia (Blue) - Using Virginia Tobaccos, This Will Be Your Most Mild, Smooth Option.

Colts Tipped Cigars are cigarillo sized versions of your favourite Colts pipe tobaccos. Overall they have a mild strength, but the Colts Cavendish will have a spice due to its maduro wrap. Colts Virginia uses virginia tobaccos, creating an extra smooth, extra mild experience. This leaves Colts Original, fitting right in the middle of the strengths and being the tried and true smoking experience. These are perfect to smoke on a hot day at the beach or around the campfire.

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