3 Ways To Do Dabs Without A Torch

3 Ways To Do Dabs Without A Torch

Cannabis concentrates can be ingested in many ways...dab rig bongs, in edibles, and more.
This blog will focus on inhalation but with a twist. Most oil pipes and bongs require a torch flame.
The 3 ways we will talk about here Do Not require a torch!
Vape Pen
Vape Pens are the best for on-the-go dabbing! By placing your thick waxes, shatters, or concentrates on to the replaceable coil, you are able to take discrete dabs anywhere.
The most popular of our 3 ways to do dabs without a torch, and the least expensive. There is a huge variety of brands, sizes, styles and colors. Rechargeable and with replaceable coils, portable and stealthy, with a wide range of heating & pricing options...
Vape pens are a great way to enjoy cannabis concentrates.
An E-Nail is used in place of the standard banger or nail on your water bong and has a large coil wrapped around the head that heats it up to a specific temperature, allowing you to take flame free dabs out of your favorite rig! While not portable, e-nails are more for longer and heavier smoking sessions than pens or e-rigs. E-nails plug into a wall outlet so they are a powerful option and a good idea of you will be dabbing at home ALOT. Temperatures can be set and adjusted to your preferences.
An E-Rig, or electronic rig, is a full unit that usually has a compartment for water that electronically heats up a coil or dish and allows you to take the perfect dabs every time. Basically a leveled-up vape pen with an area to put water in like a bong. The atomizers are usually a dish style but sometimes a coil style. You can adjust temperatures easily. Rechargeable and portable, these are the best of both worlds for dab bongs and vape pens.
Hopefully this was helpful and happy dabbing!