5 Cigars Under $10
No. 263
No. 263 cigars are a Canadian machine made cigar that uses a Cuban seed tobacco grown in Ontario. These are inexpensive and mild cigars. They are also pre-punched all the way through to create a strong concentrated flavour.
Claro has a sweet and woody aroma and flavour. Available in super corona and cadet sizes.
Sweets have a very pleasant sweet flavour complimented by notes of strong tobaccos. Available in super corona size.
Junctions are hand rolled cigars at an excellent low price, great for an inexpensive every day smoke.
Connecticut wrap is mild in strength these cigars have a creamy, somewhat smooth taste with notes of coffee and earth. Available in robusto and corona sizes.
Their maduro wrap is similar in flavour with a touch of tasty spice and is available in corona and gordo(+$10) sizes.
Quorum natural cigars are available in robusto and churchill(+$10) sizes.
Churchill will provide pleasant notes of cedar and well-aged tobaccos. A citrus-like zest will flavour your palate while rich, darker notes of black pepper and licorice blend in deliciously and flick in and out throughout this cigar. This is a smooth, medium bodied cigar
Robusto has a good draw - not too hard but not too easy - with a prominent flavour of tobacco with some additional hints of coffee and notes of chocolate that appear towards the end. Expect flavours to become richer as you continue to draw, but the true treat is the abence of bitterness that sometimes accompanies the less expensive cigars. This cigar finishes with a smooth richness no matter how fast you
smoke it.
Quorum Maduro is available in robusto size.
Maduro opens with milder notes of pepper, cedar, and earth with a slight sweetness and a mild spice heat. Don't let this smooth start fool you, the intensity of the flavours and spice move up throughout the cigar turning the taste of pepper and a touch of salt more prominent. Notes of coffee can also be noted throughout this tasty cigar.
W & D
One of our favourites at Gord's Smoke Shop, W&D cigars have a silky reddish-brown Sumatra wrapper and provides appetizing flavours of coffee, baking spices, leather and cedar. These flavourful beauties will have you coming back for seconds.
Available in robusto, cetro and presidente (+$10) sizes.
Guantanamera is a wallet friendly Cuban cigar and is very mellow bodied. These cigars are mild, mellow, and smooth. Perfect for the beginner, or when you're just seeking something chill.
Available in purito, decimo and minuto (+$10) sizes
We hope this blog was helpful and that you are now able to better choose the right cigars for you!
Happy Smokin'N'Tokin'!